What is Brillianteers?
Nowadays, as hundreds of years ago, many women cannot imagine their life without diamonds and various jewelry with these precious stones. Fortunately, the choice of jewelry is incredibly large: hundreds of jewelry companies and thousands of craftsmen are ready to offer their creations to fashionistas. Sometimes it is difficult not to get lost in the diversity of companies and brands, there are really a lot of them. An unambiguous answer to the question “which company is better?” does not exist. Because every customer has his own requirements and priorities. Thus, the Brillianteers company has also found its customers and its contingent. Initially, the company was founded in the so-called “family” format. For more than 30 years on the market, the company has managed to conquer many jewelry lovers with its exquisite models and diamonds with excellent characteristics. Brillianteers work not only in America. There are representative offices in other countries, including Israel, Britain. A few years ago, the company worked mainly as a supplier (one of the best suppliers) for jewelry stores in many countries. Nevertheless, over time, the company began direct sales and this initiative was enthusiastically received by customers. To do this, Brillianteers opened an online store, which almost from the first days began to enjoy incredible popularity. Even many skeptics, who previously had a negative attitude to online shopping, realized the advantages of such shopping. The company’s website is very convenient and accessible even for beginners. The interface helps customers not only to choose the best models but also to choose independently, for example, a frame, a stone, a precious metal. By the way, the range that the company offers is simply magnificent. According to many buyers, an individual approach is felt in each product, refined design is traced, products of this brand often stand out from the general mass. It is known that they work on each product for quite a long time, the company does not like jewelers who are in a hurry. Only experienced specialists who know a lot about painstaking manual work are hired. The company has another advantage over some competitors: custom jewelry is made for 100 points. It is the products designed and made according to special sketches that often become the object of criticism in competing companies, but Brillianteers jewelers do an excellent job with this task.
Are Brillianteers diamonds good?
When answering this question, it is undoubtedly necessary to say that everyone decides for himself which diamonds to buy and determines the criteria. For some, only natural stones extracted naturally in mines are boring, while others want a stone created in a laboratory. Everyone has their arguments about the choice and everyone is right in their own way. As for Brillianteers precious stones, the company offers a very large selection that can suit most customers both in price and quality.

The company offers both natural and laboratory-created diamonds. The second category, contrary to the forecasts of some British experts, is now incredibly popular. Because, in principle, you can buy a cleaner diamond, but cheaper. There was a period when people considered the purchase of diamonds made in the laboratory “not prestigious”. However, now the trends have changed and more and more buyers are finding advantages in laboratory gemstones. The company produces these stones within the framework of CVD Technology and judging by customer reviews, it gets a great result.
An important point that many do not know about! Stones with the so-called imitation of pure luster are becoming more and more popular, the company can offer you an imitation of such diamonds at a very attractive price. In addition, an important nuance is that experts do not question the quality of diamonds sold by the company. This applies both to the category of those extracted naturally and to the second category.
Many of the company’s competitors are criticized for the discrepancy between price and quality. There are practically no such comments addressed to Brillianteers. On the contrary, both experts and buyers often say that the company is one of the best examples of optimization of good quality and affordable price.
Are Brillianteers diamonds certified?
The diamonds that the company sells are certified, we will tell you in more detail what this means. There is a misconception that certification of stones is needed solely for the sake of prestige. That’s not so. It is the certification that can confirm or deny. Everyone knows that certification describes in detail and tells about all even the smallest characteristics of a diamond, therefore, if there is certification, the seller will not be able to squeeze a low-quality stone at a high price. Of course, if you are used to believing just the word of the seller, then certification is not so necessary. Nevertheless, Brillianteers adheres to a policy that provides for mandatory certification of diamonds. Representatives of the company previously said in an interview that even if the customer trusts the brand, the brand is still required to certify its product. The company’s diamonds are certified by the world’s leading laboratories.

There are several laboratories in the world whose certificates are recognized in all countries and whose review is not questioned.

The management of Brillianteers believes that it is never worth saving on checking and certifying a diamond because at the slightest failure, the client will no longer trust the brand and the wave of distrust will become like an avalanche that can no longer be stopped.
Summing up, we emphasize that the diamonds of this company pass the necessary tests and checks, as a result of which they receive internationally recognized certificates.
Is Brillianteers good for engagement rings?
Undoubtedly, the company is one of the world leaders in selling not only engagement codes but also other wedding jewelry. Especially the models of this brand are very popular among the youth of many countries.

An interesting fact: all the engagement rings presented on the company’s website are designed directly by the masters of the brand. These are absolutely the author’s works of the brand without borrowing. At the moment, the company informs customers about more than 215 different models and design developments of the engagement milking track. Compared to strong competitors, this is an excellent result considering that all models are created and manufactured by the company. In addition, the company offers excellent opportunities to model your ring together with jewelers who will help you realize your ideas.
Important! Thanks to the very simple and convenient interface of the site, you can easily pick up a ring not only by price but also by shape, stone, model. The site offers customers optimized filters that delight many customers.
One of the most popular models in recent months has become a ring model called New Mia in White Gold 0.30ct

As of February 2022, the cost of such a ring is about $ 900 with a 40 percent discount. By the way, the company constantly offers excellent discounts on engagement rings! It is not surprising that according to the results of at least 4 surveys on social networks, the company is constantly on the list of leaders in sales of jewelry for engagements and weddings.
It should be noted that in recent years the brand’s range has expanded significantly. If earlier the emphasis was on more classic models, recently a lot of bold experiments have appeared in the brand’s lines, which attracted a new wave of customers to the company.
If we talk about engagement rings in general, then Brillianteers is a good company for buying engagement rings.
Brillianteers payment options
It is very convenient to pay for purchases. To optimize the process, simple schemes have been developed that are suitable for all customers of the company. Of course, you can pay with all the leading cards such as Visa and others, in addition, PayPal payment is now available in some regions. You can pay for your purchase with both a debit and credit card, there are a lot of options both online and offline. Many customers say that this company does everything for the convenience of customers, which is why it is incredibly pleasant and easy to pay for a purchase. Important! If we are talking about a purchase for a very large amount, the company’s representatives reserve the right to additional verification of the buyer’s identity. There is nothing reprehensible in this, this practice is used all over the world simply to exclude the possibility of fraud. Separately, I would like to say about flexible and popular payment systems in installments.
On the company’s website, in the payment information section, you can carefully read about each of the payment methods. It is important to study every detail and not to make hasty steps. Do not neglect to study the payment scheme. For example, if you use Splitit Layaway Plan when paying, you can receive your order immediately and pay for it from 2 months to a year. A tempting application that many people use.
It is also important to note that the company does not receive complaints related to payment schemes. For example, regarding some mono competitors, you can see, a lot of negative reviews related to unpleasant payment situations. In this company, the schemes are developed very clearly and there are no complaints from customers.
Brillianteers warranty
The company guarantees the quality of its products, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Of course, there is a list of standard guarantees that apply after purchase. So, of course, like any high-level brand, the company offers to service the purchased goods annually for free. In principle, this is a standard scheme used by 80 percent of companies. This service includes several items, including working with the teeth, if they need to be tightened, cleaning the product, polishing. Some companies offer to bring or send products for inspection every 6 months, but Brillianteers do not consider it necessary to check products so often. According to the company’s jewelers, checking once a year is quite enough. Important! You pay for the delivery of the goods, not the company.
The company also offers a special 90-day warranty that applies exclusively to side stones. If, for example, during this period, a diamond that is not the main one in the ring, but is located on the side, has fallen out, then it will be replaced by another one. We advise you to study in detail all the points of the offered guarantees on the company’s website because depending on the characteristics of the diamond, the guarantee can be lifelong. And of course, it is worth reminding that when buying on the Internet, the company guarantees you the delivery of exactly the product that you have chosen.
Brillianteers return policy
As for the return of the purchased goods: yes, this scheme works. The return of the goods is carried out according to the generally accepted practice in the world, which assumes a return within 1 month. Many mistakenly believe that the month will begin to count from the day of receipt of the goods. That’s not so. The month will start counting from the day of sending. You can not only return the product but also exchange it. It is known that this company makes refunds and exchanges without any problems, but only if you strictly follow the rules. On the company’s website, you can find a list of requirements that are imposed on the product in case of return. If you have damaged a piece of jewelry or you will not be able to make a refund or exchange with words. Unfortunately, situations often occur when unscrupulous customers try to pass off a mechanical failure as a manufacturing defect. That is why only professional experts work in the company, who easily determine what exactly happened to the product, whether there was a defect in production or the product broke down as a result of improper operation. The terms of the refund depend not only on the company but also directly on your bank. In principle, the money can be credited to your light within 2-3 days. Important! When sending the product, pay attention to the availability of a warranty card, which in no case should be lost. The warranty must also be sent to the company’s office along with the product.
Brillianteers customer service
The support service is the pride of this company. Many years ago, just starting their business, the founders firmly decided: in the first place, attitude to customers, communication with them and help even in the most difficult situations. It is not easy to get a job as a support service operator in this company: the requirements are very high. You can contact the company’s 24/7 support service for help by phone numbers 1-888-265-2069, 1-646-655-0691. You can also fill out the form that you will be offered on the website to write a letter to the support service. However, the best way to communicate with the support service, according to customers, is an online chat, in which you can communicate not just with the operator, but with an expert on diamonds. In general, the work of the support service of this company is estimated at 9 points out of 10.