What is Kay Jewelers?
Jewelry is a topic that is close to a lot of people. Most people in the world systematically or periodically become customers of jewelry stores. Someone because of a solemn event, someone just likes to please themselves and loved ones with expensive gifts. Most jewelry connoisseurs are well aware of the company Kay Jewelers. This brand has been one of the most popular in the United States for many years. Just imagine, the company was founded in 1916! The brand pleased with its products for several generations and improved the quality of the products sold with each decade. However, it is fair to note that the world-famous jewelry company Kay Jewelers did not become immediately. For the first time of its existence, it was just a store that sold a variety of goods, some of which had nothing to do with jewelry. Now the brand offers an incredibly wide range of jewelry that can please even the most demanding customers. Diamonds, rings, and bracelets with diamonds, magnificent necklaces are just the beginning of a huge list that you will see by visiting the company’s website.

By the way, the company’s website is a topic worthy of a separate discussion. Recently, the company’s online sales have been very active. In many ways, the coronavirus pandemic contributed to this, during which all online services became incredibly popular. It should be noted that at the moment the brand is part of Signet Jewelers and has more than 900 stores throughout the United States. Precisely because the company has many stores, many did not believe in the success of online sales, but they made a mistake: the company’s products are very successfully bought using the Internet. The company is distinguished by the fact that it constantly strives to regulate prices and update the assortment. The emphasis is not only on classic models, lovers of experimentation and innovation will also be able to find a suitable product in Kay.
Are Kay Jewelers diamonds good?
Even though in general the reputation of the company is very good, opinions about the diamonds that this company sells differ. Some people are satisfied with the quality and characteristics, and some people think the quality is low. Many experts write that diamonds of this brand are uncompetitive. At the same time, the company claims that it sells only the highest quality diamonds and pays a lot of attention to their characteristics and selection. Unfortunately, several times the company was at the center of a scandal related specifically to diamonds, for example, in 2016 BuzzFeed News wrote about a case that happened to a client of the company. The girl handed over the ring for cleaning to Kay jewelers, but the product with another cheaper stone was returned to her. Then this story got a lot of publicity, after which for some time customers felt some distrust of diamonds and the work of the company as a whole. Now this story has been forgotten and the company has managed to restore its reputation, but several experts still claim that Kay diamonds are inferior in quality to many competitors.

To summarize the opinion of experts, most believe that the company has a good assortment, but not very good quality. By the way, some experts and analysts also write about the discrepancy between price and quality-in their opinion, the diamonds that the company sells are much cheaper than the stated price. For example, analysts accuse the company’s jewelers of selling 0.95-carat diamonds at the price of 1 carat. Thus, according to experts, the company manages to make good money at the expense of customers.
Are Kay jewelers diamonds certified?
Even though many people are quite skeptical about the company’s diamonds, these precious stones are certified. The brand’s diamonds receive a so-called independent certificate. Independent certification provides data on the characteristics of a diamond from weight to processing and color. If we talk about trust in this certificate, then it is not as significant as the certificate of world-famous laboratories. Nevertheless, an independent certificate can guarantee at least that the stone is not fake. It is worth noting that even the presence of certificates does not save the company’s diamonds from constant criticism from experts. Many experts urge buyers to think about why the company’s diamonds do not have the certification of world-famous laboratories and are very attentive to the quality of the purchased products. On the other hand, despite the criticism, the company’s products do not lose popularity and remain one of the best-selling in America.
Is Kay Jewelers good for engagement rings?
As we said earlier, the company has an excellent choice of products. Models and designs from classics to new trends make a great impression on customers. Engagement ring collections are also worth paying attention to. The design especially stands out. It is this company that offers rings of interesting models perfectly combining them with classics.

The best-selling model among wedding rings for a long time remains the Princes cut and Pear cut rings. These models attract buyers not only by appearance but also by price. For example, the “Princess” is much cheaper than a round diamond because 81 percent of the stone area is used for cutting in production, which significantly reduces the cost of the production process.
Many people prefer to buy engagement rings directly on the company’s website, rather than in stores. This is because it is on the site that a wider selection of rings of individual design is presented. As for creating a ring according to your sketch, although the company’s jewelers promise to fulfill your order, they do not always succeed. If you carefully read the reviews of the company’s customers, it turns out that the company constantly has problems and misunderstandings with customers with individual orders. Unfortunately, about 70 percent of customers do not advise making an individual order from the company and complain about the lack of professionalism of jewelers.
Kay Jewelers payment options
Representatives of the company state that they are doing everything possible to facilitate the purchase process for customers and are constantly optimizing the payment process.

The company accepts all leading cards such as Visa Mastercard AmericanExpress and others. In addition, due to numerous requests from customers, the PayPal payment system is included in the list of possible payments. Customers are mostly satisfied with how the payment is made because transactions on the site are legal and there are never any problems with them. By the way, it is worth noting that technologically the company’s website is very well equipped. If some competitors have problems with transactions from time to time for technical reasons, then this does not happen with Kay.
In addition to standard payment methods, the company offers its customers alternative options. For example, the product is fashionable to buy in installments. Several programs allow you to do this. For example, the well-known Affirm payment program. If you pay according to this scheme, the first installment depends on the amount for which the purchase was made. Subsequently, the client pays from 150 to 400 every 4 or 8 weeks. The actual payment schemes vary and they can be discussed with representatives of the support service who are always willing to tell you the details. Another payment program is Progressive leasing. If you want to pay for a purchase under this scheme, then the purchase must be made for at least $ 300. The maximum loan term is one year. That is, within a year you will have to pay the full amount of the purchase. Customers who have used these payment schemes have expressed their satisfaction. There are practically no negative reviews related to the company’s payment. If there are any problems with transactions, it is usually the fault of the bank, not the jewelry company.
Kay Jewelers warranty
Of course, the guarantee is a very important argument for many jewelry buyers. No one wants to buy an expensive thing without a guarantee. Today, almost all jewelry companies offer a set of guarantees that allows the client to feel calm and confident. Today, no one is surprised by the so-called “Lifetime warranty”. Kay also did not stand aside and offers this type of guarantee to its customers. What is included in the warranty? Firstly, for the guarantee to be valid, every 6 months you must bring jewelry to jewelers for inspection. If specialists find any problems, they will eliminate them. Naturally, you do not pay anything under the guarantee. Important! If there is a need to replace a gemstone, then this replacement is also free of charge. The fastening of the gemstone is confirmed by a separate guarantee that is valid for a year. Free cleaning of products and their inspection by professionals is carried out in any of the company’s stores. You can easily find out the addresses and outlets on the official website. If you pay attention to the comments of customers, many of them are satisfied with how the company’s jewelers take care of the products after the purchase. The guarantees provided are one of the areas of the company’s work that its employees can rightfully be proud of. Of the minuses – sometimes there are complaints about how the stone is replaced, but these are isolated cases. Also, sometimes you can read claims that the repair of the product sometimes does not happen very quickly. But the company’s employees respond to this with a hundred for them, the main thing is not to speed, but quality.
Kay Jewelers Return Policy
The system of refunds and exchanges in this company is very well established. This is the opinion of both experts and customers of the company. In general, the company has generally accepted rules regarding the refund system. That is, according to tradition, you can return the purchased product no later than a month after the purchase. Important! If you have made a purchase online, then 30 days are counted not from the day of receipt of the purchase, but from the day the goods are sent by the company. In addition, you are allowed to make an exchange. You can do this in any of the company’s stores whose addresses are publicly available. By the way, unlike a refund, the exchange is available a little more – within 2 months from the date of purchase. (this rule does not apply to watches. The watch can only be exchanged within a month). Important! Returns and exchanges are made strictly by the rules specified by the company, which can be read on the official website. If you have violated the shipping rules or have not attached the necessary documents to the product or the product is not in its original form – in this case, you will not be able to return or exchange the goods. If you pay attention to customer reviews, some are dissatisfied with the fact that the refund is slow in some cases. These are isolated cases, and sometimes the problem was not on the part of the jewelry company, but the client’s banks. In general, the feedback on the work of the company’s return system is positive and if the client adheres to the rules of sending and the user agreement, then there are no problems.
Kay Jewelers customer service
Unfortunately, there are quite a few good reviews about the company’s support service. For example, many complain about the inattentive attitude to their problems or the unwillingness of operators to solve the issue. Often, support service operators “redirect” customers to the site with a request to first get acquainted with the most frequently asked questions. Note that there is some justice in this: after all, many customers do not even try to find an answer on the site, but immediately start calling the support service. So, if you want to contact customer support by phone, then you should call 1-800-527-8029.
You can also send your email in a special window that you will see on the official website of the company.

In addition, there is an online chat where you can ask the most urgent questions to an online consultant.
In general, the company’s support service differs from competitors in that not all operators working in the company are specialists in jewelry matters. This means that sometimes you will have to wait for the operator to contact a jewelry expert to get an answer to your question, as a result of which the process of solving your question can be significantly delayed.
If we talk about the positive qualities of the support service, many customers note the courtesy of the operators.